Introduction: : To get the most out of the course, you may want to read Winning in FastTime either before you start or as you progress through the lessons. When you begin to build actual strategy, you might want to refer to the Generic Grand Strategy to see examples of finished products. You will find appropriate excerpts at the end of each of the presentations that have How To videos associated with them. You will also find templates that will guide you through collecting your strategy inputs.
Scope The Environment: To realize a Future Picture, it is necessary to deal with yourself (your own organization) and the external world. To deal with the external world, it is important to be aware of some of the major features of it. It is a world in which change is rapid and consequential, time is your enemy, predictions are dangerous, and disruption is a fact of life. (13 minutes) How To Video--Scope the Environment Exercises: There are a variety of different Scope exercises an organization can use depending on its circumstances. This video describes a broadly applicable exercise to consider market trends, assess the group’s analysis of their validity and duration, and to determine how or if the group should deal with the trends from both an offensive and a defensive standpoint. (10 minutes) Downloadable Templates: Scope the Environment Trends Exercise